Kore arrives in Milan

*Attention! This text has been translated automatically, the official informations can be found on the Italian version of this website*

After the experience started in January 2022 in the Mediaset Studios in Rome, from 20 to 24 June Kore arrived in Milan setting up a Temporary Store in the Mediaset Studios in Cologno Monzese. For a week Kore had the opportunity to make himself known, showing the products of the tailor's shop and the cosmetic and gastronomic ones, making use of the careful selection of brands by the Partner NaturaSì. The organic, the care in production, the value of the worker have come together for the common purpose of generating an ethical and sustainable profit. The response from visitors was positive and they enthusiastically embraced the project. This demonstrates how the purchase can be not only aware, but precious and with immediate impact: the proceeds in fact allow the financing of the Project which takes into account the just remuneration of the workers of the Social Enterprise.