KORE participates in the Contesteco Experience at Palazzo delle Esposizioni

On Saturday 16 March, KORE will participate in the initiative "Make the Difference, there is... Contesteco Experience", a project promoted by Roma Capitale in collaboration with Zetema Progetto Cultura , which represents an introductory prologue to launch the V Edition of the 2024 Sustainability Festival .

Contesteco Experience offers a rich calendar of activities and meetings to photograph the state of the art of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.   The meeting on Saturday where we will present the KORE projects will focus on Objectives #8 and #9 of the 2030 Agenda on the theme of decent work and economic growth and the construction of infrastructure and promotion of fair and sustainable innovation.

Program of the day:

Access to the event is free and open!

The activities will be held at Esposizioni , the Serra of the Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome, Via Milano 9/a - crossroads of Via Nazionale. Live streaming is scheduled on Facebook at the link.

Watch the preview of the TeleAmbiente promo that will be screened at the beginning of the talk